Web and Email Hosting and Management

Your web host is like the real estate you rent for your corporate office, except that you can’t buy it; you just rent it (not for the Silicon Valley giants, of course!). Web hosting and email hosting are services offered by hosting companies to rent you the space you need to run your website and emails. At Saurus, we can rent and manage these spaces for you, so you don’t have to worry about the complicated technical issues yourself (and so we can make a few bucks ourselves!). The professional web and email hosting and management services we offer at Saurus are tailored to the needs and desires of each of our clients. We work hand in hand with reputable and credible web hosting companies so that we can find the best and most professional hosting solution for each website we work on.

Web and Email Host Management Services

Just as you need a plot of land to build your office building and a landline to send and receive business faxes, you also need a specific place, the web host, to set up your website and another place, the email host, to host your email; and these spaces are usually provided by the same company. And as you probably know, you can’t buy space on the World Wide Web; you can only rent it (unless you’re one of the Silicon Valley giants, but that’s unlikely, considering you’re here to look at Saurus’s services!). Web hosting companies are, in a sense, your landlords in the digital sphere, renting you the space you need for your website and emails.

Once you’ve rented a web and email host for your business, you or someone on your IT team will need to competently manage it and take care of all aspects in a detailed and meticulous manner. However, since this is a highly technical and specialized field, most large corporations and reputable businesses use professional web and email host management services (which are only available at Saurus!) to free themselves from the tedious and complicated tasks that naturally come with it.

At Saurus, we’ve found that it can be very difficult for our clients to keep track of all the moving parts involved in maintaining a beneficial partnership with their web host and domain registrar; especially when, as a business owner, you have a million other things to do to keep your business thriving and growing. That’s why we’ve gathered a number of highly skilled professionals in our web and email host management team to take care of setting up and managing your website and email host. Our professional team is more than ready to rent and manage web and email hosts on your behalf, relieving you of the burden of taking care of the complex administrative tasks involved(and helping us earn a few hard-earned dollars ourselves!).

Choosing a trustworthy hosting company is crucial because not all available providers offer the best hosting service or features. If you need help finding a reputable company to host your website or domain, you can rely on the knowledge of our team members. Problems with managing your website due to an unreliable hosting provider are an unnecessary source of worry. With Saurus’s professional web and email host management services, you won’t have to worry anymore and can focus on running your business instead.

Moreover, we make it a point to choose a professional web hosting provider that offers exceptional customer service and is known for its good customer support. As long as things are going well, customer service may not be a big deal. However, the dynamics of web hosts are constantly in motion in the background, and maintaining a stable service requires a willingness to constantly address issues that may arise at any given time. We’ve experienced firsthand the impact a helpful customer support team can have in the world of web hosting. That’s why we don’t randomly choose a company without thoroughly analyzing its services first, because we know that when it comes to web and email hosting, cheap doesn’t necessarily mean better.

What Are the Web and Email Host Management Services at Saurus?

As we have already mentioned (or not?!), if you want to set up a website, you will first need to rent an online space for it, called a web host. After you rent this space, you’ll have to maintain and manage it constantly; otherwise, it’s likely that your website will experience technical difficulties that will cause it to go down or stop working. All these problems have led most companies to leave the management of their web and email host to professionals (who are not necessarily part of your IT team!).

At Saurus, we are aware of the needs of our clients and therefore have a professional and experienced web and email host management team that handles all related tasks competently and with the best quality. Moreover, (unlike most of our competitors!) we are not just another middleman who passes you on to a web hosting provider and resells their services; we take care of the management of your web and email host ourselves. If your website or email server is ever affected by an unforeseen event, our expertise in providing technical services like custom backups and disaster recovery can be the deciding factor in preventing permanent data loss. Our web and email host management services are varied and depend on the specific needs and available resources of your business or organization, but to name a few, we can provide the following services

  • Server monitoring
  • Offline server alerts
  • Custom backups
  • Security enhancement
  • Threat protection
  • Emergency host migration
  • Database management
  • Software updates
  • Disaster recovery
  • Webmail setup
  • Email management
  • Spam prevention
  • Virus protection

As you can see, managing web and email hosts is by no means a simple and straightforward task and involves many technical tasks that can only be done by professionals. All in all, if all this is a headache for you and you don’t want to deal with the complexities of renting and managing a host on your own, it’s best to leave it to Saurus and relax yourself! You can be sure that our highly trained experts will treat your website as their own and won’t compromise on security, no matter what it costs.

So, if you really care about the fate of your website, the most important portal and the main component of your online presence, and your emails, the most official and practical means of contacting your customers, call Saurus now so we can take care of your web and email host management ASAP; because it’s not clear what will happen to your website and emails if God forbid, you make the drastic mistake of working with our incompetent and unprofessional competitors!

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