Webmaster and SEO
Having a corporate website isn’t enough (don’t tell us you don’t have one!). Your website needs to be maintained and also show up in search results. You’ll have a better chance of ranking high in SERPs if you use the services of a reputable and trustworthy SEO and webmastering agency (you know we’re talking about Saurus, right?!). Saurus offers all the SEO and webmastering services you need, from SEO campaigns to website management and maintenance. We have assembled a team of professional webmasters and SEO experts to bring your website to life and make sure it doesn’t stay hidden from its audience forever!

Webmaster and SEO Services
At Saurus, we know how pressed for time you are as a business owner. So, we've gathered the best Webmaster and SEO services in one place, including:
Domain Management
Domains are, so to speak, the online address of your business headquarters in the digital world, and just as you do everything in your hands to professionally manage and protect your physical office, you should do the same for your domains (unless you’re a chaotic business owner!). With Saurus’s professional domain management services, you can rest assured that all tasks related to your domains - from domain registration and portfolio management to domain recovery and security services - are handled by professionals who care about the security of your domains above all else (well, not above all else, but still!). Our domain management experts at Saurus know exactly how important domains are to your business (and your wallet!). That’s why they do everything they can to manage and protect your domains so they’re always secure and functional, and no cybercriminal can infiltrate or hijack them. read more
Web and Email Hosting and Management
Your web host is like the real estate you rent for your corporate office, except that you can’t buy it; you just rent it (not for the Silicon Valley giants, of course!). Web hosting and email hosting are services offered by hosting companies to rent you the space you need to run your website and emails. At Saurus, we can rent and manage these spaces for you, so you don’t have to worry about the complicated technical issues yourself (and so we can make a few bucks ourselves!). The professional web and email hosting and management services we offer at Saurus are tailored to the needs and desires of each of our clients. We work hand in hand with reputable and credible web hosting companies so that we can find the best and most professional hosting solution for each website we work on. read more
Website Migration
Website migration is a sensitive and sometimes complicated process that can carry unseen risks if not done by professionals. But if you delegate this task to our experienced webmasters and web developers at Saurus, you can be sure that your valuable website data will be safe and won’t be lost during the process. Moreover, we guarantee you that your previous SEO measures won’t lose their effect when you use our website migration services (fingers crossed!). Our website migration team at Saurus is made up of dedicated and attentive experts who work tirelessly to migrate your website using the least risky method possible and preserve all the features of your old website that you’d prefer to keep. read more
Website Backup
in the event of an incident, be it a hacker attack, human error, or server failure, commercial businesses, and especially online retailers, must have a backup and recovery plan for their website that can be implemented ASAP. Although several automated website backup services have hit the market in recent years, no machine can do the job as accurately and dedicatedly as a professional human expert (we mean only the experts who work at Saurus!). This is where Saurus’s website backup services come in, saving you from long downtimes that can lead to the loss of your website visitors (i.e., your leads and potential customers). They’ll help you back up your website’s data, monitor its functionality on a regular basis, and restore it in case (God forbid!) an unpleasant incident occurs. read more
Website Maintenance and Technical Support
Your website is like a living thing that needs to be nurtured, cared for, and supported (only by the professionals at Saurus, who act as your website’s nursing mother!) in order to thrive and produce the optimal and ideal results you’re hoping for, namely leads and sales. Otherwise, with the new technological advances and daily updates, it’s possible that your website will lose its functionality in a short period of time. Saurus’s professional website maintenance and technical support services give you the peace of mind that your website is in the good hands of experienced and tech-savvy web professionals who treat it like one of their own (well, not quite, but still!). They put their heart and soul into their work, monitoring your website’s functionality minute by minute with high-tech software and tools to make sure it’s running smoothly, and they are ready to provide technical support when needed. read more
Keyword Research and Hashtag Research
No post on a website will show up in a search engine if it doesn’t contain the right keywords, and no post on social media will be seen if it doesn’t contain the right hashtags (unless you pay Google and Instagram handsomely!). That’s why you need keyword and hashtag research services from Saurus (yes, only from us!) so you can target the right audience with every article or social media post. Our SEO experts at Saurus will help you find the right keywords and hashtags to make the most of your online efforts on your website and social media profiles. Without their help (OK, or the help of other SEO experts!), your website articles and social media posts, no matter how professional and well-written, won’t be found by the right audience interested in your products and services. read more
Sitemap Design
Your website’s sitemap (the one that is created before the website is designed, we mean) is like the blueprint of a building and is created before you (or hopefully our web developers at Saurus!) start building your actual website. Just as the blueprint shows how many floors and rooms there will be in a building, the sitemap shows the number of pages on your site and the hierarchical relationships between them. When you use Saurus’s professional sitemap design services, you can be sure that your website is structured in the best possible way and that you, your webmaster, and your visitors will easily find your way around it. We design sitemaps that help your target audience to find what they’re looking for in the shortest possible time and with the fewest possible clicks. read more
Web Analytics Tools Management
In today’s competitive digital world, web analytics platforms are really useful and indispensable tools that help you monitor and measure the success of your online activities and digital marketing efforts almost accurately. Saurus’s professional web analytics tools management services will help you get the most out of these valuable tools, so you can use the data and insights they provide to your greatest advantage. Our SEO experts are familiar with the most popular and best web analytics tools and can professionally and accurately manage them and extract all the valuable data they provide on a regular basis. Moreover, they can present the provided data in a very tangible and understandable way so that (even!) you, as a business owner who is too busy to know about these things, can understand whether your online efforts are bearing fruit. read more
Website Speed and Performance Optimization
They say that it’s better to have no website than a slow and unoptimized website, and there’s a reason for that (actually, more than one reason!). No visitor is going to wait 60 seconds for your website to load, and no search engine (at least not Google!) is going to rank your website on the first page if it takes so long to load or is so cluttered that your visitors bounce at first glance. And that’s where Saurus’s professional website speed and performance optimization services come in, saving you from high bounce rates, unhappy visitors, and poor rankings in SERPs. Our SEO experts and tech-savvy web developers at Saurus cover all related tasks, from code optimization to media optimization, and know exactly how to optimize your website’s speed and performance to bring you lots of returning visitors, high conversion rates, and top rankings in search engine results pages. read more
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, refers to all the efforts you make to ensure that your website appears on relevant and targeted search engine results pages. Saurus’s professional search engine optimization (SEO) services include all related services from on-page SEO to international SEO, helping you to rank your website high enough in the SERPs to attract more visitors who will hopefully turn into paying customers after visiting your website (if you give them enough value for their money, of course!). Our SEO experts are familiar with all the major search engine optimization criteria and provide you with all the SEO services you need - from SEO consulting and SEO audits to regular SEO reports and analyses. read more
Customer Journey Audit
A customer journey audit is an in-depth analysis that examines all the possible steps a potential customer might take on the way to making a purchase from your company - and those steps make up their customer journey. If you have a great product or service and have done everything in your power to attract and retain customers, but it’s not working out, you probably (or almost certainly!) need to use Saurus’s customer journey audit services, which can largely solve the problem. Our SEO and marketing experts at Saurus know how to conduct a customer journey audit in such a professional and accurate way that it helps you gain more insights into how your target audience interacts with your products or services, how they’re greeted and served by your team, and much more relevant and useful data. read more
Website Security
Your website, which is the heart of your online business, may contain sensitive data or be a great source of revenue, making it very valuable to you. Both tempt cyber criminals and black hat hackers to attack your website to steal data, hijack your website or extort ransom from you. And that’s where Saurus’s web security services come in, helping you ensure that your website is intrusion-proof and can withstand advanced DDos, phishing, and malware attacks. Our certified and experienced web security experts cover all related services, from web security consulting to penetration testing, and they work tirelessly and dedicatedly to ensure that your website’s data, your website’s visitors, and your visitors’ devices are protected from malicious cyberattacks, which have unfortunately become increasingly common in recent years. read more
When large fortunes fall into the hands of some people, they become strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and wealth they dream
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When large fortunes fall into the hands of some people, they become strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and wealth they dream that they can live out of their homeland and be happy and proud, e strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and …

When large fortunes fall into the hands of some people, they become strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and wealth they dream that they can live out of their homeland and be happy and proud, e strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and …

When large fortunes fall into the hands of some people, they become strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and wealth they dream that they can live out of their homeland and be happy and proud, e strong in the light of it, and in the shadow of strength and …