Visual Identity Guidelines

Your brand’s visual identity guidelines are what will set your brand apart from (and above, if they are created by Saurus!) the competition in the visual scene. With the help of top-notch visual identity guidelines services (provided by none other than Saurus, of course!), you can build a strong brand image and create a positive and lasting impact on your customers. At Saurus, our visual identity guidelines team helps you establish a visual standard for your brand that all visual elements of your brand - from logo and typography to color palette and designs - must follow to convey its core values and mission.

Visual Identity Guidelines Services

Your brand’s visual identity has the potential to affect how your customers think about your business significantly. While a professionally designed visual identity is a must for any brand that wants to survive in today’s crowded and noisy business world, nothing can hurt your brand and ruin all your branding efforts as much as an inconsistent visual identity. That’s why the most successful companies have a consistent approach to all of their communications, from their business cards to their Instagram profiles. And that’s where Saurus’s visual identity guidelines services come in (and save your brand from crashing and burning and the embarrassment it might otherwise suffer!)

To ensure your brand’s consistency across all media, both print and digital, we provide you with visual identity guidelines that outline your brand’s values and principles, as well as specific instructions for implementing your brand’s visual identity in various environments.

Saurus’s visual identity guidelines services help you maintain consistent brand identity across all channels through which your target customers engage with your company, ensuring better brand recognition. We’ll present you with a comprehensive and all-encompassing document that defines and sets the standards for all visual elements of your brand, such as your logo, color scheme, fonts, and overall preferred visual style (and an invoice, of course!).Visual Identity Guidlines

What Do the Visual Identity Guidelines Include?

The visual identity guidelines we create for your brand at Saurus include both a profile of the various elements that make up your brand’s visual identity, as well as specific instructions on how to implement those elements. In general, visual identity guidelines should include the following elements to be effective:

  • Different Versions of Your Logo

The logo is the cornerstone of any brand’s visual identity. Your logo is a graphic symbol that represents your brand or product and makes it easily recognizable to customers. Therefore, your visual identity guidelines need to show multiple versions of your logo and include some guidelines for their use. At Saurus, we provide some guidelines for how the logo should be used when different color schemes and photographic approaches are present. If each version of the logo is accompanied by usage notes and examples, your design team won’t run into problems every time they need to use your logo in different situations (and if you hire Saurus for all your design projects, there won’t be any problems!).

  • Typography Choices

Your company’s typography choices also contribute greatly to your company’s visual identity. The fonts you use should reflect your company’s values and the tone you want to strike with your target audience. Therefore, your visual identity guidelines must also define and demonstrate the typographic choices for your brand. You can instruct your designers to use certain fonts for specific purposes, such as headlines and body text. By providing as many examples as possible, you can ensure that the final designs are consistent and help build your brand identity. The guidelines should also include examples of each font used and address what context it works best in. It’s better if you also address the different ways the text can be displayed in different situations.

  • Colour Palette

Due to the psychological impact of colors, the colors used to represent a brand have a great impact on the impression consumers have of the brand. Therefore, the colors that make up your brand’s color palette must be listed in the visual identity guidelines. Since you may be working with different designers over time and each designer uses a different design program, it’s best to have the color code included in the different color systems as well. You should also indicate which colors aren’t allowed or have special restrictions.

  • Imagery

The type and style of imagery you choose to represent your business are critical to ensuring that your message will reach your target audience and elicits a variety of responses from consumers. If you have a clear idea of what you want your photos and videos to look like, you can help your brand stand out from other market players and effectively communicate your brand identity. In this section of your visual identity guidelines, we’ll include examples of your preferred video and photo style, as well as verbal instructions for your team to make sure everything is as clear as possible.

  • Graphic Elements

Using graphic elements like illustrations, icons, and patterns in a consistent and predefined way allows you to develop a unified visual language that serves as the foundation for your company’s visual identity. That’s why when we create your visual identity guidelines at Saurus, we define exactly how, when, and where your team can use these elements.

Everything from your logo to your business card to your website and marketing materials should be consistent with your brand’s visual identity. Having meaningful and effective visual identity guidelines that clearly define how your brand’s color palette, photos, graphic elements, and the other visual elements mentioned above should be used plays an important role in developing a consistent marketing strategy that helps consumers recognize your brand time and time again.

If you already have consistent visual identity guidelines and just want to document them, you can do it yourself (but there’s no guarantee it’ll be as effective and great as having Saurus do it for you!). Just remember to focus on your target audience while trying to achieve your business goals. But if you’re still at the beginning of your branding journey and still need to develop a meaningful visual identity for your brand or have one you don’t like, look no further because Saurus’s visual identity guidelines services are here to save you from extinction!

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